I have barely had the energy to blog, much less go to work. I was supposed to see Alejandro Escovedo tonight, but I was too tired to go and gave my ticket to some kid in my building. That fucker probably scalped it. If you don't hear from me for a few days, I am probably on the couch or playing catch-up at work.
Damn, I really wanted to see Escovedo. Here's my favorite track from his last album.
Chelsea Hotel '78.mp3
Buy: Real Animal (2008)
The fuzzy little guy on the right is from Giant Microbes. When my friends have babies I send these as gifts. And I usually send the venereal diseases, although Mad Cow and Ebola are pretty cute too.
Sorry to hear you are down, but, speaking of polka, you might try the old polka cure.
The most successful modern polka musician and bandleader is, without a doubt, Jimmy Sturr.
His homepage is at:
...and you can listen to old Jimmy at Last FM.
I particularly like "Sea Cruise," but that's just me.
I saw him a few years ago opening for Peter Case. He was wonderful.
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