A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You.mp3
Buy: Headquarters (Deluxe Edition 2007, Orig. 1967)
The video is a tribute to San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone, who were assassinated in City Hall by ex-Supervisor Dan White, on November 27, 1978. The White Night Riots erupted when White's conviction was announced. Instead of first degree murder, he was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. And if that gets a little heavy for you, try to spot Chuck dressed up as a cheesy, seventies-era newscaster and bartender."San Francisco. It's a great place to come and wave your freak flag or whatever you want to call it. It can suck you under. That first hit. It really does a whammy to you. And if you're like me you can find yourself chasing the San Francisco dragon for the rest of your life. That's what the record is about," Prophet concludes. This album is a really solid rock and roll album, which I highly recommend that you listen to (it's on Spotify). His upcoming tour dates are mostly in the western US and Europe. I am guessing that he will have more North American dates this summer.
@blobtower: holy shit, i was just watching SNL and JT did a Bon Iver hilarious thing! Also, Maya Rudolph saying "bon iver" is enough. I can die now!!!At the end of the show Timberlake held up a sign that said, "I <3 Bon Iver."
@blobtower: JT! SNL peeps… that was hilarious. Armisen as Prince… Also, i WISH i looked that good bald. That was it… the most surreal thing! ever!
@blobtower: my texts is blowin' up!!!
@blobtower: JT was playing that guitar part well! I was red-face-embarrassed but laughing my ass off the whole time! I'm by myself out here people! #!
@blobtower: to all the folks racing to our defense right now…i assure you… ITS ALL GOOD! #NobodyBeatUsUp #IsToTakeOurLivesLessSeriously #LaughingIsGood
"@TaylorFails: @blobtower I never thought I would hear so many people on television pronounce Bon Iver correctly." THAT WAS THE SHIT!