Last week my buddy Bryan at NineBullets put together a radio show loosely themed "Fuck the RNC." The poor guy's hometown has been invaded by Republicans! Per Bryan:
Last night's show was a loosely themed "FUCK THE RNC" show. It's coming to town next week, closing our streets, closing our parks, and telling us what we are and aren’t allowed to do. All the while, they're sequestering themselves away for their own private circle jerk and telling us how happy we should be that they've graced us with their presence. I also brought the local band Bootleggers And Baptists into the studio in an effort to break up the rage. So take some time and put your ears on the archived stream of the show.Below is the playlist for August 23, 2012 {Artist - Song [Album (year)]}
01. Todd Farrell – Nine Bullets Theme
02. Otis Gibbs – The Peoples Day
[One Day Our Whispers (2004)]
03. American Graveyard – Common Ones [Hallelujahland (2010)]
04. Chris Knight – Nothing On Me [Little Victories, released 9/11/2012]
05. The Drive-By Truckers – Putting People On The Moon [The Dirty South (2004)]
06. Soul Asylum – Gravity [Delayed Reaction (2012)]
07. Bootleggers And Baptists Live In The Studio
08. Great American Taxi – Blair Mountain [Paradise Lost (2011)]
09. Chuck Allen Floyd – Hard Times [Schedule A]
10. Bootleggers And Baptists Live In The Studio
11. Frank Turner – Glory Hallelujah [England Keep My Bones (2011)]
In the words of the mighty Todd Snider, "Know what scares people these days? Republicans. That, and Democrats."